
At CRUX, we are passionate, strong advocates for mental health and clinical psychology. To share our knowledge with as many people as possible, we often appear in local, national and international media outlets. A selection of our media interviews appears below.

How to know when it’s time to start therapy

It can take a lot of courage to start therapy. With countless potential reasons to start, how do you know…

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Why Are Teachers at Greater Risk of Burnout?

Teachers are at greater risk for burnout. They are stressed and for good reason. What can we do to help…

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How to know when it’s time to quit therapy

It can take a lot of courage to start therapy. It can also take a lot of courage to quit.…

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Christmas in Economic Crisis

Christmas has become highly commercialized, and with prices so high this year, shopping has become a major stressor. How do…

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Why Are Doctors at Greater Risk of Suicide?

Physicians have a higher risk of suicide compared to the general population. Doctors face unique stressors including stigma and barriers…

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Alcohol and Suicide

Alcohol misuse significantly increases the risk of death by suicide. Why? Read more on Dr. Simon Sherry's latest Psymon Says…

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Introducing Dr. Lucas Eberhardt de Master

I take great pleasure in introducing you to Dr. Lucas Eberhardt De Master, a new and valued member of our…

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Impacts of Romantic Relationships on Alcohol Use

Research shows your romantic partner has an impact on your drinking. As such, getting your partner onboard is key if…

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Executive Functioning Intervention

You try and you try, but you still aren’t seeing the grades you want. You finally feel on top of…

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Building Healthy Self-Esteem

We often think of self-esteem as high or low, but stability of self-esteem is often more important than level of…

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Perfectionism and Depression

Can perfectionism lead to depression? When you set unrealistic expectations of perfection, it can be hard to feel good enough.…

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Toxic Perfectionism and Weddings

The modern obsession with perfection has turned weddings from a day about love into a carefully curated presentation of how…

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The Science of a Sports Fan

You have likely felt the rush of game day whether you are a diehard fan or a fan only when…

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Suicide Among Lawyers

It is no secret law is a stressful profession. What is less known is lawyers who report high stress-levels are…

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Over-Emphasis on Safety Negatively Impacts Teens’ Mental Health

The cultural over-emphasis on safety may be making our children more anxious, more depressed and less resilient. How did our…

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Pandemic Homeschooling Worsened Parent’s Mental Health

During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools shut down and shifted to online learning. Parents then had to homeschool their children with…

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“Normal” Sex Frequency

Psychologists are often asked what the "normal" amount of sex is. How often do most people have sex? Well, there…

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Eating Disorders Are Deadly

Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder are deadly. They are also common, with 5% of the…

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Suicide Among Psychologists

It is rarely discussed, but psychologists can also suffer from poor mental health and are at greater risk of dying…

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Depression, Anxiety and Binge Drinking

Alcohol is often used as an escape, which can lead to self-medicating and binge drinking to relieve negative internal feelings…

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Risks and Rewards of Being Single

Valentine's Day celebrates romantic love, which can be hard for those not in relationships. Dr. Simon Sherry recently wrote for…

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Drinking and Suicide

Alcohol and suicide are closely linked. In one of our recent studies, we found that alcohol use increased the risk…

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Perfectionistic Parents Raise Perfectionistic Kids

Perfectionism greatly affects the way we view ourselves and the world around us. It can create a mindset of anxiety,…

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Teenage Internet and Social Media Use Reaches Historic High

Excessive screen time use is associated with disrupted sleep, increased sitting and sedentariness, and decreased physical activity. Not surprisingly, excessive…

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New Year’s Resolutions

Crappy New Year?! Dr. Simon Sherry discussed how to make New Year’s resolutions stick.   Saltwire    …

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Holiday Shopping Procrastination

Perfectionists are prone procrastination because self-imposed pressure makes them freeze and disengage from tasks. Dr. Simon Sherry talks with Colin…

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Online Gambling Commercials Underscore Change in How Canadians Watch Sports

Flashy ads. Endless repetition. Big names. Dr. Sherry talked to CTV’s Paul Hollingsworth about all those gambling ads.   “Gambling…

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Death by Suicide in Nova Scotia

142 Nova Scotians died by suicide in 2021. This represents Nova Scotia’s highest number of suicides. In contrast, 75 people…

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Parenting and Perfectionism

Hyper-critical parents raise perfectionistic children. Dr. Simon Sherry and his research team recently published a meta-analysis of 46 studies and…

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Coping With COVID-19

Nova Scotia’s government declared a state of emergency aimed at containing COVID-19 on March 22, 2020. COVID-19, and efforts to…

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Perfectionists Aim High But Feel Low After Using Social Media

New research suggests perfectionists are prone to crashes in mood and negative body image after using social media.   Dr.…

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Winter Blues

Wetness, gloom and darkness pervade Nova Scotia. Tis’ the season for the winter blues or, worse yet, seasonal affective disorder.…

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Loss and Grief

Loss and grief are among life’s hardest challenges. People react differently to loss and to grief. There is no normal…

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Anxious About Climate Change?

Climate change negatively impacts mental health, with climate change linked to stress, trauma, PTSD, grief, fear, anxiety, depression and suicide.…

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Suicide in Nova Scotia

Suicide is a major and a neglected problem in Nova Scotia and around the world. Pandemic-driven psychological pain is commonplace,…

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Dry January

Dry January, or Janupause, involves living life without alcohol in January. Dr. Simon Sherry discussed the potential health benefits of…

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Keeping Up With Your New Year’s Resolutions

Lose weight. Exercise more. Drink less. Stop smoking. New Year’s resolutions are easier to make than they are to keep.…

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COVID-19 Burnout

Emotional exhaustion, feeling jaded and cynical, listlessness, and rising complacency are all part of COVID-19 fatigue. Dr. Simon Sherry discussed…

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Halloween: The Science Behind Fear

Are you a Halloween thrill-seeker or thrill-avoider? Some brains enjoy fear. But to other brains, what is frightful is not…

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World Suicide Prevention Day

COVID-19 landed in what was already a suicide crisis in North America. Financial stress, unemployment, isolation, depression and substance misuse…

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Quarantine Ups Cannabis Use

A study by Dalhousie University’s Department of Psychology and Neuroscience researchers Sara Bartel, Dr. Simon Sherry and Dr. Sherry Stewart…

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Pandemic Fatigue

Uncertainty. Homeschooling. Anxiety. Quarantine. Boredom. Pandemic life is wearisome, while COVID-19 itself seems indefatigable. Dr. Simon Sherry talked to CTV’s…

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Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

Many people are burdened by regret. Woulda, coulda, shoulda pervades their thinking. Dr. Simon Sherry talked to Dawn Calleja of…

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Drunkorexia* involves calorie restriction prior to alcohol consumption. This behavior is typically done to reduce total calorie intake and/or to…

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Grief Accumulates After Helicopter Crash

Intense grief surrounds Nova Scotians, with a mass shooting and a helicopter crash occurring amid a deadly pandemic. Dr. Simon…

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Grief, Loss and Trauma in the Aftermath of Canada’s Worst Mass Shooting

Dr. Simon Sherry discussed grief, loss and trauma, as well as healing, recovery and solidarity, in the aftermath of Canada's…

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Coping With Fear, Anxiety and Stress Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Fear, anxiety and stress surround coronavirus (COVID-19). Dr. Simon Sherry discussed how to “keep calm and carry on” amid COVID-19.…

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Pros and Cons of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is, to some, an irksome holiday. Lofty expectations, social scripts, heavy commercialization, ideal love and upward comparisons can…

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Romance Scammers Steal Your Heart and Your Money

Some men steal your heart. Other men—we might call them “romance scammers”—steal your heart, betray your trust and take your…

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Are You a Social Media (Ab)user?

Dr. Simon Sherry talked with Ceilidh Millar of CTV Morning Live about the use and abuse of social media and…

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Perfectionism: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

There is nothing wrong with being a perfectionist—so long as everything is perfect. However, perfectionists often struggle greatly with their…

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Perfectionism is a Growing Problem

Perfectionism is a risky trait, with links to stress, anxiety, suicide, depression and eating disorders (Smith, Sherry, et al.,…

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Beware of Fraudsters This Christmas Season

Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year,” especially if you are a fraudster. Narcissistic, psychopathic, Machiavellian and sadistic…

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Survivors of Suicide Loss Need Support

A survivor of suicide loss is someone who lost a family member, friend or loved one due to suicide.  …

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Too Much Screen Time Can Compromise Your Health

Excessive screen time undermines mental and physical health. Video games, internet, social media, television and smart phones are linked to…

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Boo! The Science Behind Fear

Learn more about how personality traits (sensation seeking, psychopathy and neuroticism) and brain functioning influence interest in and response to…

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Climate Change Impacts Mental Health

Climate change negatively impacts mental health in various ways. For example, extreme heat arising from climate change corrodes mental health.…

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Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?

Personality is expressed, publicly, in numerous meaningful ways. In fact, personality is much more than just private thoughts and feelings.…

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Vulnerable Citizens are Dying Unnecessarily by Suicide

Nova Scotia lacks a coordinated, well-funded, government-led, evidence-based strategy to prevent suicide. Without such a strategy, some of Nova Scotia’s…

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Hyper-Critical Parents Raise Perfectionistic Kids

Critical, demanding and controlling parents raise self-critical, self-doubting and perfectionistic kids. Pressuring kids to be perfect often backfires, with kids…

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Food and Mood

Some people (an estimated 48%) eat less when depressed; other people (an estimated 35%) eat more when depressed (Maxwell et…

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Help Yourself by Helping Others

Volunteers improve their communities. They also report improved mental health, stronger social bonds and community ties, and volunteers may even…

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Burnout is a Serious Health Problem

Burnout involves chronic workplace stress and includes “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one's job, or…

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Is Medical Cannabis an Oxymoron?

Cannabis is far from a proven medicine for mental health problems. Dr. Simon Sherry asserts unfounded claims are often made…

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Seasonal Affective Disorder

Nearly 15% of Canadians experience the “winter blues,” and between 2% to 6% of Canadians suffer from seasonal affective disorder…

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Suicide Barriers on Bridges Save Lives

Restricting access to lethal means for suicide is one key way of preventing suicide (Zalsman et al., 2016). For…

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Nova Scotians’ Declining Health

Dr. Simon Sherry asserts Nova Scotians would be healthier if our government focused more on promoting health and less on…

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“Can You Be Plus-Size and Healthy?”

Slender people are usually seen as healthy, whereas overweight people are often seen as unhealthy. But Dr. Simon Sherry explains…

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Eating Disorders in Men

Eating disorders are often mischaracterized as female problems, despite evidence showing numerous men suffer from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and…

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Real-Life “Dirty Johns”

Dr. Simon Sherry unpacks the mindset of “Dirty John”-style scammers, noting it is “difficult to withstand the tsunami of charm…

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Optimists Live Longer!

Optimists cope in positive, adaptive ways. They also have a healthy sense of control over their lives and have greater…

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Anger, impulsivity, criminal deviance, revenge, money, and mental illness can all motivate arson. Pyromania is also a contributor to arson.…

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Self-monitoring (a.k.a., symptom monitoring or symptom tracking) involves systematically recording your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Through self-monitoring, the client and…

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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Ads and songs tell us Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year.” But many people feel sad, anxious,…

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Survivors of Suicide Loss

A survivor of suicide loss is someone who lost a loved one due to suicide. An estimated 20 people are…

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Relationships on the Rocks

For better or worse, romantic relationships greatly influence us. Some romantic couples appear to form a “drinking partnership” (Roberts &…

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Perfectionists More Likely to Develop Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is a common and a life-threatening eating disorder. About 275,000 Canadian females will have bulimia nervosa at some…

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Suicide is Preventable in Nova Scotia

One Nova Scotian dies by suicide every 72 hours. And 622 Nova Scotians have died by suicide between 2012 and…

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Cannabis Controversy

In the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation’s (NSLC) newly renovated stores, customers are encouraged to “discover your experience” with cannabis while…

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New Video Highlights the Perils of Perfectionism

Dr. Simon Sherry joined Dr. Andrew Hill of York St John University in creating a new video educating youth about…

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Failure to Launch?

Finances, unemployment, pursuit of higher education, being single, cultural preferences, entitled children, over accommodating parents, psychological dependency and unrecognized mental…

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Comparing Yourself to Others on Social Media Can Turn Ugly

Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Snapchat. Social media is linked to envy, jealousy, sadness and loneliness. Dr. Simon Sherry discusses the dangers…

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Perfectionists are at Risk for Bulimia

Groundbreaking work by Dr. Simon Sherry’s research team shows perfectionists are more likely to develop bulimic symptoms. Dr. Simon Sherry…

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Letter to Editor: Booze-Pot Mix Careless

In a letter to the editor appearing in the Chronicle Herald on July 24, 2018, Dr. Simon Sherry asserts selling…

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Celebrity Suicides Prompt Discussion

After designer Kate Spade and chef Anthony Bourdain took their own lives, Dr. Simon Sherry discusses suicide on CBC News.…

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Facts and Myths About Perfectionism

Dr. Simon Sherry discusses perfectionism on CBC’s Maritime Noon and takes calls from listeners about their struggles with perfectionism. Listen…

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Are We Living in “The Golden Age of Lying?”

Dr. Simon Sherry and theologian Dr. Deane discuss lies and liars on CBC’s Mainstreet. Listen to the audio clip to…

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Your Partner Impacts Your Drinking

Sara Bartel discusses how one partner’s drinking can increase the other’s when in a romantic relationship. Sara is a member…

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New Research on Narcissistic Perfectionists

Steve Jobs. Martha Stewart. Simon Cowell. Some people are narcissistic perfectionists – with entitled, demanding, hyper-critical and grandiose personality traits.…

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Perfectionism is Linked to Suicide

Dr. Simon Sherry discusses his innovative research linking perfectionism to suicide. Watch the video clip to learn more.  

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This Year Will Be Different!

Dr. Simon Sherry breaks down the science behind New Year’s Resolutions and offers advice on how to stick to yours…

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Perfectionists Struggle at School

Perfectionism leads to many problems in the classroom. Dr. Simon Sherry sheds light on how shooting for the stars can…

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The Dark Side of the Internet

Dr. Simon Sherry explains what drives some people to the dark and dangerous places on the internet. Watch the video…

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Let’s Talk About Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder is poorly understood. Dr. Simon Sherry provides insight on this common problem as part of Bell Let’s…

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Understanding Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Dr. Simon Sherry discusses how to define and understand body dysmorphic disorder – a common and vexing problem. Watch the…

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We Can Prevent Suicide

Why do people die by suicide? Dr. Simon Sherry provides insight and understanding, and suggests ways suicide can be prevented.…

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Dr. Simon Sherry’s Convocation Speech

Dr. Simon Sherry addresses Dalhousie University’s graduating class, teaching them about life, love and broccoli. Watch the video clip to…

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Let’s Talk PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects an estimated nine per cent of Canadians. Dr. Simon Sherry discusses this common problem as…

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New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are easy to make, but hard to keep. Dr. Simon Sherry offers tips on how to reach…

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Can Perfectionism Lead to Binge Eating?

Perfectionism and binge eating go hand in hand. Dr. Simon Sherry discusses his research linking these two issues. Watch the…

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Is Your Partner Driving You to Drink?

Alcohol use may be contagious. Lydia Muyingo researches if men and women in romantic relationships influence each other’s drinking levels.…

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Shop ‘Til You Drop?

Dr. Simon Sherry debunks some common myths about Christmas and suggests that holiday joy comes not from trips to the…

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Let’s Talk About Cannabis

Cannabis use is common among younger Canadians. In fact, 21% of youth aged 15 to 19 (or 426,000 youth) and…

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Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Self-monitoring, compassion and action plans are discussed as Dr. Simon Sherry talks about setting and reaching your goals. Watch the…

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‘Tis the Season to be Stressed

Dr. Simon Sherry calls out Santa as part of a lively discussion on stress, anxiety and depression over the holiday…

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Reefer Madness

Is our government placing Nova Scotians’ health at risk by selling cannabis and alcohol in the same location? Dr. Simon Sherry…

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Fear of Friday the 13th

Dr. Simon Sherry, a psychic and a weatherman discuss Friday the 13th. Watch the video clip to learn more.  

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Perfectionism Creates Holiday Stress

Holidays are particularly stressful for perfectionists. Dr. Simon Sherry sits down with Amanda Debison of CTV News to answer questions…

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Half Baked Idea

Nova Scotia is the only jurisdiction in the world to sell cannabis alongside alcohol. Dr. Simon Sherry discusses why this…

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Pressure to be Perfect Ruining Your Holidays?

Dr. Simon Sherry sheds light on perfectionism and holiday stress with Cyril Lunney on CTV Morning Live. Watch the video…

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Understanding Your Anxiety…In a Minute

Dr. Simon Sherry discusses anxiety--a common, impairing and costly problem. Fortunately, anxiety is also a treatable problem. Watch the video…

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Research Team Unravels Perfectionism

Dr. Simon Sherry and Dalhousie University’s Personality Research Team are profiled. Watch the video clip to learn more.  

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Nova Scotia Defends Controversial Plan to Sell Cannabis in Liquor Stores

Dr. Simon Sherry maintains co-locating cannabis and alcohol sales under the same roof puts many Nova Scotians' health at serious…

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Coping with “Family Drama”

Many people struggle with “family drama.” Dr. Simon Sherry discusses effective methods for coping with these kinds of issues. Listen…

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Perfectionism is a Potential Killer

Research by Dr. Simon Sherry shows perfectionists are prone to suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. Listen to the audio clip…

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